Google Play Now Considers User Engagement, Not just Downloads, in Ranking Games !

How to Boost Your App Downloads in Google Play Store?

With a lot of new developments in the tech world, Google is the best platform to introduce great innovations by app developers to Android users. If your application is a hit on the play store then you are really making some great money on the internet. But is the number of downloads are successful and the most effective criteria to judge the usability and performance of an app?

We know that Google does prefer the apps with higher downloads and allows them top ranks based upon their no. of times of downloads and other rating criteria. But learning a lot from its old rival- Apple, Google has made a recent announcement that it will now consider the user engagement and various other things while ranking the applications especially the Games applications. So, If you just get app installs then it will not be enough to Boost your App Installs.

These latest changes were announced next to many other updates for Android app developers. The announcement also includes the latest launch of strike-through pricing for running promotions, as well as the newly written opinion pages. With all these announcements Google is all set to make the biggest changes in the rating and ranking criteria of gaming applications.

Game Development

Game Development 

This will definitely go to be a big help for new games and android users as it will make the selection of games for their devices a much easy task. In the recent conversation at Game Developers Conference, the internet giant has announced that it has tune its app store algorithms to take into account user engagement, and not only downloads, in order to better reward quality titles, instead of those which are just being installed in large numbers.

This big shift is going to have some long terms effects on the app-based gaming industry. The marketing strategy of these developers will now be completely changed as many publishers and their ad campaigns are totally based on the highest rankings on play store and the number of users is defined by the number of active downloads made on different devices. For both developers and publishers, it is now a huge matter of concern to be on the top of the Google Charts.

System To Rank Games

System To Rank Games

We know this very well that no system in this online world is perfect and the flaws addressed here by these companies are all valid. According to many users – using this system to rank games is much better than what is being used right now. Many Crappy developers are being paid not for the great applications but only for increased ranks for far too long. A single download of the application should not be the only thing that dictates the popularity of a game.

The company has not yet shared the important details that how this algorithm will going to work. Both Apple and Google are now looking for something different to judge the performances of these high rated apps. The other metrics will include ratings and reviews and personal usage statistics of the users. These Tech Giants are all set to change the dynamics of application downloads in the different application markets.

So, start focusing on making your apps engaging than focusing on increasing the download count through excessively hyped marketing. You can get Real App Installs at CPIDroid.


Buy CPI Traffic for Android & iOS to Get More App Installs Everyday

You May Have Enough Heard About App Installs And CPI Traffic?

When you started marketing your app. It is very important to market your app well if you want to generate revenue. And, to make people use it you need to show them what is your app is all about and why that is better than so many others available. In one word – “Visibility” is everything you need.

To make your app visible in the market and convince your users to download it, there are many ways. The most effective way to make your app ranked high in Google Play Store and iTunes, is generating app installs. The more users install your app, the more these app stores will start recognizing your app and will give it higher rank and hence welcoming more and more traffic.

What Is CPI Traffic?

What Is CPI Traffic?

CPI stands for Cost per Install. Well understood from the name, this method charges you some amount when a user installs your app.

When you get CPI Traffic, the providers start a campaign of your app using their network, real users, and devices to install your app. Thus, you get the bulk of app installs within a very short period of time. Once the app installs get an increase, the organic searches also increase in numbers. Google Play Store or iTunes, both work on the base of organic searches on CPI calculations. This way your app gets a higher rank in AppStore because:

  • More app installs using CPI Traffic, increase mouth to mouth promotions, and social media sharing by the real users with great networking.
  • Once your app starts getting popularity, it attracts good reviewers to review your app and thus generating more traffic.
  • Reviews, ratings, and installs help you generate a high rank in Google Play Store and iTunes.
  • Great features of your app are discussed and comparison is being done with another similar app, only ends up increasing more installs from real existing users.

So, it’s essential for a developer or app owner to get real CPI Traffic as it works for both i.e. get real iOS Installs and Android.

Why should I Purchase CPI Traffic When There Are Free Ways To Market My Apps?

Why should I Purchase CPI Traffic?

Yes, this is a very valid question. Surely there are other ways to market your app for free and one of them is social media. You may have an enormous number of fan following and networking in social media. When you market your app through social media, it can get you some traffic to your app but there is no surety of app installs or there is no way you can convince everyone to install your app.

Here when you pay to boost your CPI Traffic, the service provider makes sure that you get maximum app installs for your Android or IOS app. The benefit is, you pay only you get an install. Once you get app installs you start to get recognition and start generating revenue. Both ways profit is on your plate.

So, leave the headache of marketing of your app to a trusted service provider like CPIDroid, who charges minimal for the services, get CPI traffic, relax and see your app earning profits from the market easily.


Boost App Install for Android and iOS – Try these 5 Effective Ideas!

Imagine a situation, where you are an application developer with great skills and developed a killer app using Android or iOS. Now you have maintained everything to post the app on Google Play Store or Apple App Store. After all the testing, verification and constant hard work, you realize that this is the best app anyone has ever built. But even after being there on Google Play Store or Apple App Store, why the installs are still below 200? After sharing on social media and telling everyone to install your application, the app installs are below 500. If this was the scenario ever with you, if yes, you are in the right place.

A buyer gets attracted to your application when your App Marketing strategy is good enough. If there is no visibility to your application in Google Play Store or Apple App Store, then users will not return to install your app – even if it is the most efficient one.

To boost up your app ranking dramatically, here is what you should do:-

Try increasing your retention rate:

Try increasing your retention rate

Retention rate for an Android or iOS application is the duration the app is retained by the customer. When the retention rate is high with the existing customers, it will automatically draw the new customers. You need to get High Retention Installs from a trusted provider like CPI Droid and get a Boost in App Installs very quickly. It takes 1-3 days based on your keyword traffic and competitions to generate the desired results.

Drive High Volume installs to your app:

Drive High Volume installs to your app

Incent App installs is the sponsored/rewarded or value exchanged app installs that enables users in exchange for installing an app, finishing a video add view, play around with app or registering or login as a user.  This way one can ensure the users will remain there for some time. Using our App Marketing Campaigns, you can Buy Incent App Installs which are very cost-effective and can help you Boost your App Installs at an affordable price. This comes under our Standard Campaign.

App Store Optimization:

App Store Optimization

You should use paid mobile app campaigns to boost the app installs. In CPI Droid, we use target CPI method to boost your app installs. We offer Self Service platform where you can create mobile app campaigns with full control. You can also connect to our publishers and the ads go into a live mode in minutes. Through these campaigns, the new users will get to know about your app more and more and thus the chance of getting installations increased.

Try increasing your engagement rate:

Try increasing your engagement rate

To promote your app through the hands of real users and devices, you should Buy CPA Traffic. Using thousands of trusted publishers, real users and devices, you can advertise your app to the millions of users and allow them to install your app effectively. In CPI Droid we assure you to detect false installs and prevent them. Also, using analytics, all the app performance metrics with a few clicks.

Try increasing your ratings:

Try increasing your ratings:

To get a higher ranking at the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, you should try to increase your ratingsBuying these app installs is a real benefit as the search algorithm of Google Play Store or Apples App Store works on CPI The more your organic search and installs will increase, the higher the ranking will be on Google Play Store or Apple App Store. This will definitely attract reviewers and real users to install and play around with your app.

Try increasing your reviews:

Try increasing your reviews

You can get App Reviews as well to boost your ranking but now a days this method is not working because Google is aggressively deleting paid reviews.

Implementing these five effective and efficient ideas, it will surely help you get more and more app installation and thus ensure the success of your application and generate revenue in a very short period of time. To get started, register here.


Powerful App Marketing Trick that Converts – Pay for App Installs Only

Do You Want Higher Ranking On Application Store?

Then you should read this article!

Gone are those days when you can’t do anything for all the hard work you put in the development of your dream project. When you are in app marketing, you have to face various issues that can affect your application business. These issues are related to app retention, high app store rankings, app campaigns, and a lot more.

What if we claim that now you need not worry at all?, the best platform to promote your applications on both ios and Android app store is now offering to get App Installs. You can now promote your Android / iOS App on CPI at very reasonable pricing.


You can definitely get real high retention installs at the rates you never imagined, just visit CPIDroid to know more.

There are various aspects of a successful app on the marketplace and one of which is to face the retention time. New installs if survives more than three days then your app is definitely a big hit on the internet. The best way to promote the android app and ios apps installs is to get app installs.


Boosting Your Apps Is Now As Easy As A Piece Of Cake

Boosting Your Apps Is Now As Easy

To achieve top rankings and to make your app campaigns a successful one is not a difficult task anymore. When you are planning your campaign very easily in no more than 5 minutes. You can connect your advertising campaign with expert publishers in no time. And your campaign will be live in a few seconds.


Features You Are Missing For A Long Time

There is always a big difference between expectations and reality especially when you are investing your time and money. CPIDroid is all set to turn your expectations into realities with a number of features that you are missing for a long time.

High Retention Installs: 

High Retention Installs: 

You can get more app installs and great ratings when you are working on your dream project with CPIdroid. When you get real high retention installs you will also enjoy higher ratings and real reviews which will help your application to perform. Using this platform you can push your app to rank #1 for any keyword of your choice.

Easy & Quick Results: 

Easy & Quick Results: 

Results are important to judge the efforts made by us. Now you can check them when you want as it takes 1-3 days depending on keyword traffic and competition to see the result.

Real Users & Devices: 

Real Users & Devices: 

CPI Droid is the biggest App Installs platform and proudly claims to have a large number of users with real devices. These real users and devices are ready to install your app.

Fraud Detection System: 

Fraud Detection System

A proper fraud detection system is a must when you are working on a platform like this one. CPI Droid has a strong fraud detection system and does count invalid installs at all. This means you will receive real downloads, real reviews, and ratings from a huge user base. Either you are an Android or iOS developer you will get the real results and real improvements in your app store rankings.

You can register FREE at CPIDroid.

Points to Ponder before you Buy ASO Services – App Marketing Explained

Let’s start with a few questions any newbie mobile app developer would be asking;

Developed an Android or iOS app or maybe game and want to promote it?” but still struggling & don’t know how to do it?

Want to generate revenue from your app by app marketing or promotion? Already using ASO but hardly getting any profit?

If the answer is ‘Yes’ for any of the above questions, you are missing something about ASO services. No worries, we are here to help. You should actually look for hiring an ASO Agency for App Store Optimization Services. This article is about the points you need to checkout before opting for any ASO service for the marketing of your mobile application.

What exactly is ASO?

what is aso?

To begin with, what is ASO all about? ASO stands for App Store Optimization and does exactly the same way as SEO does for any website. That means it helps the apps getting higher iOS app and android app store ranks and thus great reviews and ratings so that the real users find this reliable while searching for that kind of apps in-app store.

But, can only the use ASO Services be helpful to build the trust of your customers for a long time? The answer is yes, but with a combination of some other things that will work like wonder together. Then, a question comes what you should do, right?

Here are some points that you need to work on before you plan to spend your money on an ASO Service:

1. Build Your App Good

Build Your App Good

The main thing your users are looking for is your app and nothing else. Before any app marketing or talking about your app, you should build a unique, error-free, friendly, and feature-rich app for your users. Thus when users will install your app and start using it, they become a fan and loyal customers forever.

2. Take Steps To Retain Your Customers

Take Steps To Retain Your Customers

The most important problem found for most of the apps according to app store research is its retention rate. 90% of the apps’ retention rate is a maximum of 6 months in their user’s mobile. It will help when you get high retention installs, to get more customers, but you need to take some steps ahead to retain them longer.

You need to invest in research to understand customer’s needs in your business so that they return back to use your app again and again. Also, you need to create engagement for your customer’s recurring use, like some reminders, exclusive contents, packages, and offers, etc. to keep your customer’s interest intact.

3. Build A Two Way Communication Channel

Build A Two Way Communication Channel

This is the thing most of the app builders miss sometimes. They forget to build two-way communication between the customer and you.

There should be an easy way for the user to speak their heart out on your app, like a Feedback button. Using their feedback, you should really improve the features, listen to your user’s needs, issues, rectify them, and most importantly acknowledge them for their contribution. Thus, your users will feel valued and will return back again.

4. Do Your Own Marketing Analysis

Do Your Own Marketing Analysis

In the parallel of ASO services, use your own marketing channel to build your app’s genuine user base first. Plan your marketing first before building the real app. Such as the landing page, the quotations, the color-coding to attract users, etc.

Also, you need to analyze your business and extract all the important keyword and keyword ranking, before you buy keyword Installs or keyword search Installs from ASO service provider. Besides you purchase app reviews, you need to encourage your existing happy customers to leave a good review often.

5. Use Rewards As Paybacks To Users

Use Rewards As Paybacks To Users

To engage and retain your customers you need to plan for rewards, coupons, etc to pay them back. When you’ll opt for an app marketing/advertising campaign from your ASO service provider, let them use your customized reward techniques.

And, last but not least,

6. Search For ASO Services That Will Actually Help

6. Search For ASO Services That Will Actually Help

There are so many ASO service providers in the app market and you need to find one that suits your needs and requirements. Most importantly find a trusted and well-reputed service provider that offers full control on your app campaigns by giving you your own interface.

When you use services from a service provider like ASOeShop, it really makes a difference in boosting your app’s rating, reviews, installs, and app ranking in mobile Application Stores.


Where, How & Why should you Buy Keyword Installs / Buy Search Installs

Where, How & Why should you Buy Keyword Installs?

Ever wondered after you launched an app in Google Play Store people are not taking interest in your app by installing it in their device – why? Also, there are other similar android apps and iOS apps available in the market which are not better than yours but are getting better reviews and a huge number of installs. You might be started to think that there is definitely some flaw in your application.

Where, How & Why should you Buy Keyword Installs?

Answers of all the questions and doubts are lying in the app marketing/app promotion. Like other businesses here also the same rule is followed for the success of your iOS and android app – visibility is the key.

The question you may ask here is how you can increase the visibility of your app? Simple – just think like a real user. Imagine that you are looking for an app for ‘fitness strategies’ and installed one which has great reviews and thousands of users, right? Will you try an app that does not more than 500 users and no reviews? The answer is – No.

So, what did Google play do when you typed ‘fitness strategies’ into the search box (search result box)? It showed the apps with this keyword and displayed them according to the keyword ranking.

Can your app be the top of Google Play Store Ranking? Let us see how.

Why Buy Keyword Installs?

Why Buy Keyword Installs?

Google Play store works on the basis of CPI calculations for the ranking of the apps. There is an organic factor that affects the CPI calculations. If you buy keyword installsthe provider starts to promote the app by installing it. Once you reach a certain growth in terms of installs, within a short period of time, it starts to get more genuine installs and attract organic reviews. Once app installs are increased the organic factor gets also increased. Thus you start getting the top rankings in Google Play Store. It will increase your app overall traffic.

So, for the ranking of your app and make that visible, you should buy Real Keyword Installs.

How & Where To Buy Real Keyword Installs?

How & Where To Buy Real Keyword Installs? form ASOeShop

It is very easy but yer very important to buy keyword search installs. More than 65%of downloads come directly from the searches in app stores – according to Apple Research. You need to choose a service provider for keywords to install advertising campaigns.

If you purchase keyword installsfrom reputed and trusted providers like ASOeShop the chances to boost your organic installs increases several times within a very short period of time.

If you are excited about generating good revenue from your app, it is very important to know that Google has a very strict rule of reviews and ratings for apps. So, mouth to mouth marketing is not enough to get reviews. You need to keyword install to get good app rankings in Google Play Store.


It is Good to Buy Keyword App Installs for Android – Know Why

It is Good to Buy Keyword Installs?

It is Good to Buy Keyword Installs?

Do you have an android app with great and unique features but still struggling to get users or Google Play Store Ranking?

Do you have an android app with great and unique features but still struggling to get users or Google Play Store Ranking?

If yes, then it is because your ranking on Google Play is not up to the mark and you are lagging in competition with other applications which may have less nice feature than your application does have. Let us consider a scenario to understand it better. Let us assume we have an android app for Swimmers.

Suppose you are searching for a similar app in Google Play store and typed keyword swim speed tracker.

The apps that appear on the top and are with great ios and android reviews will catch your attention, right? And you’ll install one of them. Will you scroll to the next page or the last page to find an app of great features? You will not. So, it is very simple to depict that the higher the visibility is on Google Play, the higher chances you have to get attention and increase the chances to earn profit from your app.

Now the question is: how I can get the desired ranking on Google Play Store?

You have to use keyword installs to attain it if you want effective results quickly.

About 65% of downloads are a result of simple app store searches. You need to find the best keywords for your app to use in organic searches.

But wait, it is enough to use optimization with keywords only to increase the potential chance of increased ranking in Google Play Store?

App Promotion in Google Play Store uses the CPI or cost per install calculations to measure the popularity. It also uses the organic factor of the installs into consideration. So, when you buy keywords installs and you pay, the vendor starts to promote your app by installing it.

There are resulting installs come with a lesser cost when you buy keyword installThis directly affects the ranking of the app and helps the app to gain better incremental growth.

When you get keyword installs, you reach a point where your app has experienced many installs in a short frame of time and it increases the organic factor dramatically.

There can be no paid installs too, but Google considers paid installs for the CPI calculations. So, you should purchase the app installs.

Where Can I Buy Keyword Installs Cheap?

Where Can I Buy Keyword Installs Cheap?

Now that we have understood that it is good to purchase keyword app installs if you want to rank top in Google Play Store Ranking using organic searches.

To get real keyword installs from a trusted service provider, visit ASOeShop. The app installs service of ASOeShop will help to get you real users and from diverse geographic location and will deliver thousands of app installs per day which will push your app to the top ranks. The fast service and affordable costs will perfect for your new app.


Why It Is Good To Buy Keyword Installs For Android App (Summed Up):

Why It Is Good To Buy Keyword Installs For Android App (Summed Up):

  • Buying keyword installs increases the organic factor of the app and it affects the Google Play Store CPI ranking.
  • Increased app installs, increase your visibility in Google Play Store and thus the rate of genuine organic installs gets increased.
  • The more your app is installed, the more your chances of getting reviews increased.
  • The good number of real app reviews through app installs increases the rankings of your app in Google Play Store and thus mouth to mouth promotion and social sharing gets increased.
  • Google counts the installs majorly when you pay for it. So, you should get keyword app installs to increase your business through your Android application.

Buy Keyword Installs to Boost your App Ranking in Google Play Store.

Boost your App Keyword Ranking in Google Play Store!

Want your app to be in the top trending apps of the play store? Never heard of people who buy iOS and Android App Installs?  Want your new app to grow more with more downloads and fantastic paid reviews?

You can do all this by focusing on High Quality App installs. Learn more about it in this short and simple review.


Why Do You Need To Buy App Installs?

Why Do You Need To Buy App Installs?

Like any successful developer, everybody wants his or her apps to be the top trending app of the play store. It is not much to ask for as being a developer you are putting everything to make your app unique. But it is the age of competition and everybody is fighting to rule the AppStore.

You just not need the talent but the right strategy to excel. Here if you buy ASO services will be a big help for you.

With a lot of options available on ASOeShop, you are all set to perform and conquer your opponents. You need to buy app ratings from this website, and everything will be handled by genuine users of the applications.

If you are interested in having CPI Traffic then here it is possible to have it on the internet. You can do a lot more when you have the right tools to manage your work better.


Should Developers Buy App Ratings or  App Reviews?

Should Developers Buy App Ratings or  App Reviews?

We know what it takes to develop an Android App or iPhone application. Hence to know more about the app ratings and app reviews we did complete research. We will advise you to must buy ASO services or buy Keyword Installs if you are launching your app first time on the app store.

Google and new users always look for the best and suggest the top trending applications and to increase the ranking and trust of your app in order to attract more users towards your app in the Google Play Store, you must go for App Ratings and App Reviews.


Be on top with Keyword Installs.

Be on top with Keyword Installs.

There are a lot of applications available on the App Store that will serve the same purpose which your developed applications can do. If you want to survive with the maximum popularity and want to earn more money from the developed applications, you need to get your app ranked higher in Google Play for your favorite Keywords. For this, we will recommend you buy Keyword Installs, which will do the desired job by pushing your App to the TOP in Google Play Store and hence boost your ranking.

Once the work is done i.e. your developed App is boosted for a particular keyword then you will enjoy the maximum number of organic installs and in this way, your app will become auto boosting. In a short and simple way, your app will boost on its own due to organic installs.


Planning To Buy Keyword Installs For Your Mobile App?

Planning To Get Keyword Installs For Your Mobile App?

For every android developer out there Affordable Keyword Installs are very effective and going to be a big help to boost your app business. According to the latest updates, Google has now used new algorithms using ratings and reviews to rate your app on the trending charts.  Hence using the right strategy is a must to enjoy more downloads for your dream applications.


Do you Buy Google Play Reviews for your Android App ? Do it Now !

How effective is it to buy Google Play Reviews?
Is it helpful is Promoting Apps Ranking in Google Play Store?

As an app developer or app owner, such ideas must be running in your mind. To answer in a precise manner, it can be said that buying cheap android reviews will boosts app ranking and thus increases the number of followers.

So, it is an effective way of Android App Marketing. If you want to buy Google Play Store review, then this article is a must-read. If will help you learn the benefits and best method of doing the same.

Benefits of Buying Google Play Reviews for your Mobile App

Benefits of Buying Google Play Store Reviews for your App

People always have mixed opinions when it comes to whether to buy Google play reviews or not. The same is true for this case. People may or may not like the idea of paid app custom reviews, on the basis of their experiences. But, the major cause of bitter experiences is hiring an ineffective agency to handle this task.

If your marketer is getting all the fake android app reviewers to post copied reviews, the results can never be positive. So, considering you’ve hired great app promoter services like ASOeShop, there is nothing to worry about!

Here are the major benefits, which you will get if buy Play Store Reviews:

1. Publicity is Good for your App

Publicity is Good for your App

Reviews are the means of publicity for any app owner. This publicity is as effective as mouth publicity because it’s done by real users. Where negative reviews may try to take you down, but paid & positive reviews act as a moral and fame booster.

2. Reviews are always Attention-grabbing

Reviews are always Attention-grabbing

Reviews are the part of the analysis which the potent users carry out before they install any app. As many reviews as your app’s page will render, more chances are of users to consider you. Lesser reviews, bad app ratings, and a small number of installs are some major enemies of the success of any app.

The condition is worse for the application which is either new or has bad reviews. So, grab your potential audience’s attention by the real, numerous, and positive reviews.

3. Enhanced Trustworthiness

Enhanced Trustworthiness

That’s natural to install an app that has good reviews, over an app with bad reviews. That’s the cause why reviews are considered as trust factor booster for apps, books, and other such things.

4. Motivates New Reviews and Installs

Motivates New Reviews and Installs

Every review attracts new people to write reviews. If there are no reviews already, people avoid writing their reviews even after trying the application. So, get the help of paid reviews. Also, every good review prompts a visitor to download your application.

Best Way to get Android Reviews for Highest Conversion Rate

Best Way to get Android App Reviews for Highest Conversion Rate

If you want to buy Google Play Store Reviews, there is nothing better than ASOeShop. It offers a perfect and easy method of buying android app reviews without paying sky-high prices. So, don’t wait for users to reach you and try the product. Instead, take the first step and motivate them for app installation.

To stand in the top row of Google apps, try this amazing website today.


Where can I But App Installs ?

As true supporter of mobile marketing and passionate representative of CPI Droid platform I really want to share with my top hints of mobile promotion. Here we go:

Step 1
Familiarize audience with your Application.
One of my recommendations is to test the application providing it users before official publishing. Testing will help to deal with such moments:

  • Introduce the product to audience
  • Form loyalty
  • Get information about bugs and missing features of the application.

Step 2
Ensure the online presence 
It can be publics about gaming applications in social networks, as well as you can create a separate site dedicated to the program and a description of its capabilities.

Step 3
Provide visibility for your app in Store
General for the App Store and Google Play factors are: Installs (both the total number of installations and period surges), the number of launches, the number of User Reviews and rate

Also excellent way to promote it is publishing the application in alternative stores.

Step 4
Use incent traffic
As noted above, the position of the application in Google and Apple stores is affected by the number and dynamics of the installs. With the help of specialized services (e.g CPI Droid) you can get the download of the program, which in theory should improve its position in the stores.

Step 5
Publish reviews on thematic sites.
You can write a review yourself or pay for journalist publications

Step 6
Tell more about your application
Provide the App release to specialized publications.

Step 7
Ask users to rate the app
You remember that estimates affect the position of applications in stores. Therefore, build in the interface programs suggestions to evaluate and comment on the product

Step 8
Advertise your app
Use the contextual advertising systems of Google, advertise the application in social networks, show banners to visitors in thematic advertisement areas.

Be a Star with your Application and bring use to people! Get real app installs..!