Getting Started With Mobile Marketing Campaigns – Complete Guide

What Is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile marketing is the buzzword for every business’s success. If you are failing in lead generation through the expensive campaigns, you are on the wrong track for sure. If you actually want to start your app’s journey with some remarkable outcomes, then read through this complete mobile app campaign guide and learn it all.


Study your Customers and Finalize objectives

Study your Customers and Finalize objectives

If your focus on engaging the audience with your product, first learn who is your audience? Ask yourself a few questions –

  • What’s the target demographic like age, gender, profession, etc?
  • Which is the most popular social platform among your potential customers?
  • Which features may excite the people to download your application?

Prepare your action plan according to the answer of these questions. Once the objectives are finalized, start mobile app campaigns and paid marketing altogether.


Get High Retention Installs Only

Get High Retention Installs Only

If you get high retention installs, there are lesser chances that users will install your app frequently (unless they are fake users!). Studies say 3-8 days period is the most vulnerable time in your app’s life in the customer’s Android phone. If this time is passed, your app will remain installed for some months at the least. Also, buying high retention install will be the Cheapest Mobile Marketing strategy as you’ll get valuable installs only.

It’ll Be Good To Purchase CPI traffic

It’ll Be Good To Purchase CPI traffic

Cost per impression or CPI traffic is another great method to utilize during app marketing. When the price for CPI marketing is as low as $0.1 on CPI Droid, you need not rethink before putting in money. So, get real CPI traffic as it acts as a perfect lead magnet for every app or mobile product.

Buy Android Installs from Creating Hype

Buying Android Installs from Creating Hype

What attracts you the most about downloading an Android application while you search for some keywords?

It’s definitely the number of installs, ratings, reviews, and usefulness of the application. That’s the reason behind the success of this marketing strategy. If you get Android Installs, it will bring good traffic to your app, due to the hype you’ve created in the app market.

Refine your Social Media and Marketing Strategies

Refine your Social Media and Marketing Strategies

Once the above things are done, you’ll have to think of retaining and roasting this success. Start with planning, team making, social ads, content marketing, choosing an advertisement platform, and maintaining a good reputation for the application.

Your promotional efforts need to be focused and well-thought. Throwing money in multiple campaigns without any revenue generation is as stupid as it seems. So, do not diversify the money and resources without the right action plan. Run a lesser number of more effective campaigns and stay focused.


Whether you want real high retention installs, CPI traffic, or Android Installs, try it to do through trustable websites only. CPIDroid is one such website to go for. Each of your mobile app campaigns must be taken forward with the target of lead generation. Got queries for us? Write to us by commenting below.


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Do you Buy Google Play Reviews for your Android App ? Do it Now!

How effective is it to buy Google Play Reviews?
Is it helpful is Promoting Apps Ranking in Google Play Store?

As an app developer or app owner, such ideas must be running in your mind. To answer in a precise manner, it can be said that buying cheap android reviews will boosts app ranking and thus increases the number of followers.

So, it is an effective way of Android App Marketing. If you want to buy Google Play Store review, then this article is a must-read. If will help you learn the benefits and best method of doing the same.

Benefits of Buying Google Play Reviews for your Mobile App

Benefits of Buying Google Play Store Reviews for your App

People always have mixed opinions when it comes to whether to buy Google play reviews or not. The same is true for this case. People may or may not like the idea of paid app custom reviews, on the basis of their experiences. But, the major cause of bitter experiences is hiring an ineffective agency to handle this task.

If your marketer is getting all the fake android app reviewers to post copied reviews, the results can never be positive. So, considering you’ve hired great app promoter services like ASOeShop, there is nothing to worry about!


Here are the major benefits, which you will get if buy Play Store Reviews:

1. Publicity is Good for your App

Publicity is Good for your App

Reviews are the means of publicity for any app owner. This publicity is as effective as mouth publicity because it’s done by real users. Where negative reviews may try to take you down, but paid & positive reviews act as a moral and fame booster.

2. Reviews are always Attention-grabbing

Reviews are always Attention-grabbing

Reviews are the part of the analysis which the potent users carry out before they install any app. As many reviews as your app’s page will render, more chances are of users to consider you. Lesser reviews, bad app ratings, and a small number of installs are some major enemies of the success of any app.

The condition is worse for the application which is either new or has bad reviews. So, grab your potential audience’s attention by the real, numerous, and positive reviews.

3. Enhanced Trustworthiness

Enhanced Trustworthiness

That’s natural to install an app that has good reviews, over an app with bad reviews. That’s the cause why reviews are considered as trust factor booster for apps, books, and other such things.

4. Motivates New Reviews and Installs

Motivates New Reviews and Installs

Every review attracts new people to write reviews. If there are no reviews already, people avoid writing their reviews even after trying the application. So, get the help of paid reviews. Also, every good review prompts a visitor to download your application.


Best Way to get Android Reviews for Highest Conversion Rate

Best Way to get Android App Reviews for Highest Conversion Rate

If you want to buy Google Play Store Reviews, there is nothing better than ASOeShop. It offers a perfect and easy method of buying android app reviews without paying sky-high prices. So, don’t wait for users to reach you and try the product. Instead, take the first step and motivate them for app installation.

To stand in the top row of Google apps, try this amazing website today.

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